Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Brilliant meta-topic comic

From VGCats, a meta-topic comic that ties the upcoming release of Spore (where you - as an intelligent (or not) creator - make and direct the evolution of your species) with the topic of evolution vs. creationism/intelligent design.

What's cool is that the comic discusses so many of the topics that are batted about in the pages of Pharyngula and Dispatches from the Culture Wars.

"[Jeremy] was tragically born with an ass above his head. What niche does he fill?"

The brilliant bit is that the game Spore is definitely a game of intelligent design (not evolution through natural selection) driven by the player. There may be other animals that evolve through a process of natural selection that you encounter in the game, but the major points of the game are based on (I believe) the player's own designed creation.

I don't know who the person is in the last panel, but that comment - "So its got butts for eyes? ... Why do you abuse my games so?" bust my gut when I read it.

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