Monday, January 19, 2004

19 Jan 2004

We just got back to Gomti Guest House after buying the tickets. That was an adventure. First, we had to finalize the schedule and get the total ticket price. Then we had to go to a bank in order obtain the rupees to pay the tickets. The main station is something else. Situated opposite one of the bazaars, the area attracts thousands of people. And hundreds of autorickshas. The station itself is crowded with all types of huanity, and the smell of humanity and fuel and excrement all mixed together. The bank was located at platform 12, and to get there we needed to purchase a platform ticket. There was the long march to platform 12 from platform 1. The train station is laid out much like the rail yards of the UK, but with a much grander scale. We did get the money changed, and walked back to the ticket office. To and from the ticket office was done by autoricksha. That was quit fun as well. The driving in India seems to be "go where you can and honk your horn constantly." My ears are ringing slightly. I got a few photos of the trips over and back. Now, we are off to purchase lunch and some on-the-road supplies for our trip to Haridwar.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

18 Jan 2004

I am sitting at the small cafeteria at JNU. After I have eaten the Masala Dosa (which was recommended), the group of us will go to the train station for our tickets for the rest of the trip. H. is a great sport from Israel studying chironomid larvae in rivers. S. and I may be helping him later with some of the research he is doing. I need to still do e-mailing back to the U.S., friends and family. The environs are starting to become familiar, although some of the customs are yet to become ingrained. I have taken my Pepto so the dosas may be eaten without problem. I will finish my entry after lunch.

... or not.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Jan 17, 2004

Got a few hour's sleep [on the plane to Delhi]. We are now flying over Afghanistan. The time locally has just been turned off, so this may mean a movie - nope; comedy shorts. Everybody Loves Raymond.

It was followed by a BBC comedy - very fun.

We are now on the final descent into Delhi. The little airplane icon on the monitor is hugging the large diamond that is Delhi, and reads "Remaining flight time: 0:08."

Still, at an altitude of somewhere above the clouds, I don't know how we will be able to meet the ETA. Maybe the fog rolled back in? I hope that we will not be diverted. Here's the captain (first [announcement] in Dutch). Ah, we're in a holding pattern of unknown duration. We shall wait...

17 Jan 2004


The fog/smog is still thick. Can't easily see past a few 100 meters. Still, it is exciting - and not just because I'm getting more stamps in my passport.

The trees are different.

The runway is dry of snow, ice, or rain. Dry and warm (~15C). And I still have my longjohns on. Oh well. I'll just not try and exert myself too much.