... and as I climbed up to the crest of the hill on Liberty Road, I noticed that the light at Stadium Blvd. was out. "Uh, oh..." Climbing slowly up Liberty Road toward Maple Road, I saw police cars with their lights on, blocking northward access. Pulling up to a police car, I asked the officer what was going on.
"Power lines are down," he yelled to me above the wind. "There are also lines across 94."
"Can I get to Kroger?" I asked. (Kroger being just north of the blocked intersection.
"No. The power's down all over the Westside."
"Do you know if it's out at Scio Township?"
Pause... "No. I don't know. Maybe."

It turns out that there were more powerlines down on the west side of I-94, but looking even further up the road, I took heart after I saw lights on further toward Wagner. And sure enough, I arrive home, in the middle of the forest, and there -- in the middle of the forest, away from any house or subdivision -- is electricity.