Friday, February 15, 2008

The "Map of Misery" (aka, Crappy Ocean Map)

A new study in Science shows the human impacts on the world's oceans in a nice (!) little map the research group calls the "Map of Misery."

You can also view the layers on Google Earth, by downloading them from the group's project website. The group also discuss why they did the project, and how they came up with the final map. For something that is pretty dismal (degradation of oceans is something that everyone should feel at least slightly bummed about), it is an intriguing project.

I expect that the cumulative impacts from all these impacts will be really bad for oceanic fishing, as well as marine ecosystems, generally. Jennifer Jacquet discusses this (and other disturbing oceanic fisheries findings) over at her scienceblog, Shifting Baselines.

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