Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Your Inner Fish

From Shifting Baselines comes a heads-up about a new book that's out there informing the public about our fishy heritage: Your Inner Fish. Reading the NYTimes book review, I think that it will be a good read for anyone who hasn't taken a fish biology, comparative anatomy, or evolution course at university. For those of us who have, it looks to be a good book to get us up to speed on what's been happening in the field since we last studied it.

Right now (7:25PM on 20 February, 2008), there are 14 book reviews on, and so far they are all very positive (5 stars, except for a 4-star review). I take it that the anti-evolutionists haven't figured out that the book exists (after all, it was written up in the NYTimes, and not the "Worldnutdaily").

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